Monday, October 19, 2009

If you don't know about it you should......

This is a shout out to Blanket Magazine, one of the coolest online magazines around! Everyone be sure to check it out-- its format is completely online- eco friendly- and if you don't want to pay the minimal $2 per issue free , at least be sure to check out all of the artists, and fun links they offer on their home page. Also, if you'd like to catch some of my work, check out issue 18-- the Black and White issue and let me know what you think. Hope all is well, winter is on it's way.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Exhibitions and New Work

I recently had an exhibition, an honor I got to share with two other fantastic artists, Michael Hoskins and Patrick Richardson. Below are some of the pieces that were put on display. The first six are pen and ink drawings and the bottom three are sculptural dolls. I apologize for the poor quality of the doll photos, better ones are on their way. My show was based around the idea of symbiosis and the connection between different characters within a system--whether they benefited from one another or took advantage, I was more interested in the fact that there was relience and a story within each of those systems. I hope you enjoy! Oh and actual size prints are available. If you're interested, email me at

Waking Waters, Pen and Ink 2009, Appx. 55 x 18 inches

Guests, Pen and Ink 2009, Appx. 10 x 14 inches

Into a Tunnel, Pen and Ink 2009, Appx. 10 x 14 inches

Following Whales, Pen and Ink 2009, Appx. 19 x 54 inches

Before Automobiles, Pen and Ink 2009, Appx. 9 x 19

Their Home, Pen and Ink 2009, Appx. 55 x 18 inches

This picture is silly.

Here's Jacquelyn and I hanging out at the opening, what a gas.